Ler's healthy Lifestyle©

A proper workout plan

-->Food aren't the only thing that affects your weight and health. Exercising is also extremely important as it helps your body to get stronger and many other useful benefitsthat i'll mention in a later part. In order to have a proper workout or exercising plan, you need to know what are you trying to achieve. There are different exccercises that help you achieve different results, for instance, doing push ups and pull ups helps strengthen your biceps and triceps while doing sit ups and crunches helps with your abs.

-->So set an objective in mind before doing the workout plan so that you can achieve better results rather than just doing random exercises and not helping at all. Additionally, do not overwork yourself by doing a lot of excercises at one go. Set an easy pace that you are comfortable with before doing more inntense sets of exercises. Drink more water and keep yourself hydrated is also a must!

Why is exercising important

-->Similar to food, exercising help reduce chances of getting diseases and it also allows your body to become stronger. Exercising also can help you to lose weight and gain weight for different people. Exercising helps your body to circulate blood and in a long term, your life would be more healthy. It also helps by getting rid of unhealthy fats and toxin through sweating when you exercise.

-->Lastly, even if you eat healthly, if you do not do exercises, effects of getting slimmer or a better health would not be as effective as compare to people who exercises. So please remember to exercise whenever possible, at least 3 times of 2 hour per week!

Benefits of exercising

-->The benefits of exercising is so much that i can't even type all out so i'll have to just name out a few key ones. Firstly, when you exercise, you would definitely use up a lot of breathe and that actually helps you to grow a stronger pair of lungs so that when you grow older, you won't have lung related problems.

-->Secondly,exercising also helps to improve your bones and muscles which we use constantly every second. When we eventually come to an age where we can no longer exercise, our bones will still be strong enough for us to do a lot of task so let's not regret!

-->Lastly, it makes us happy! Studies have shown that when you exercise, you will feel more happy, and decrease the feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. So whenever you are feeling stress or down, just go for a run! Additionally, exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help produce positive feelings and reduce the perception of pain. And that is why we all should exercise.